Monday, June 25, 2012

Tropical Storm and I am...

CRAFTING! When I should be cleaning, but I cannot help it! I JUST CANNOT WAIT TO BE A TEACHER!
Here's what I have made so far:
Created my birthday bucket:

Created a few new clipboards:
This clipboard is made of DUCT TAPE! 
SO easy and took like 2 min!

I am not to crazy about these bins:

So I think I am going to redo them!
Happy Tropical Storm! I get to be Nanny Megan tonight! :D


  1. Yay! I joined your blog! I am almost ready to launch mine. Getting stuck on the aesthetics... actually being OCD about it.

    Anyway I did clipboards like this too with scrapbook paper and Mod Podge!

  2. The one that says "Miss Franco" is made from it! :)
    When you figure out how to get cuter fonts.. LET ME KNOW! :)
